“Unplanned” The Movie March 29 2019 Tackles The Hard Issue of Abortion

All Abby Johnson ever wanted to do was help women. As one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation
All Abby Johnson ever wanted to do was help women. As one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation
In My Own Words: Abbie Cornish is one of those actresses who I personally believe will be an Academy Award winner …
Paramount Pictures recently asked us to feature another movie. Super 8 will be out soon. Watch The Trailer Here & View Full Synopsis Here!
So, who is going to win big at the 20th Annual MOVIEGUIDE® Faith & Values Awards Gala next February, 2012? I have two top picks.
… Andy no longer the imaginative little boy he was. Now grown up and ready to head off to college and leave all of his beloved toys behind.
A movie like this does not come around very often, but “The A-Team” is
one of those rare films. It is thoroughly entertaining and
“Avatar” is first and foremost visually stunning. Many images in the movie are completely breathtaking. When the scenes of Pandora at night come on screen you will hear mummers of awe from all the spectators at the cinema.