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Prayer For Troubled Relationships & So Many More of Life’s Difficult Struggles


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Are you facing life’s difficult struggles & trouble relationships?

by SheriAnn | Contributing Writer | Eternal Affairs Media


Hello Family and Friends! Here is the prayer for today…

Dear Lord,

We join together today and lift all who are dealing with difficult people and troubling situations. You know there are many, who try to do the right things and say the right things, yet their actions and words are taken wrong. Many can’t begin to work things out in their troubled relationships because others are unwilling to talk, listen, or try to see another perspective besides their own. You know better than anyone how unresolved issues, unrepentant hearts, narcissism, and lies destroy lives and cause heartache, pain, and tension that divides and tears families apart. You know better than we do how many homes are battlefields. You know all who walk on eggshells, cower in fear, and silently suffer while trying to avoid conflict with those who are abusive, demeaning, and controlling. You are aware that the troubled times we live in have exacerbated these issues. Lord, please protect and deliver everyone who is in harm’s way. We pray for all who are dealing with pain, loss, addictions, abuse, and hidden issues behind closed doors. We pray for all who are depressed and weary and all who feel hopeless. Please send ministering angels to comfort each troubled heart.

We lift to you all who just don’t know what else to do…what else to pray…where else to turn for help. We stand with all who are crying out to you for your mercy, deliverance, and a way of escape. May each one in need find your comfort, mercy, grace, provision, and relief for their situations. What is beyond their control is not beyond yours. What they have no power to change, you do. Please break the cycles and chains the enemy has used to hold your precious ones captive. Please help the hurting not to give in to despair. Please open blind eyes and remove bad influences. Please set people free from addictions, deceptions, and things that cloud their judgment and perceptions.

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Please carry the things that weigh so heavily on our hearts and minds. You came to bind our wounds and to set us free. Help us remember who the real enemy is behind our earthly battles. Please help us so we don’t grow weary in doing good. Help us keep fighting the good fight. Please help us not to give up, or become impatient as we wait on you. Help us be persistent in prayer. We are so thankful that no one is ever beyond your grasp or too far gone to change or be saved. We are grateful nothing is impossible for you. We are thankful that all power lies within your hands, and you will redeem all the enemy means for harm. We thank you in advance for all you will do. We rejoice that we can ask these things in the name of Jesus, our Redeemer, and Deliverer. Amen.

May you feel God’s comfort and nearness today, friends!

In His love,


Blessed Friday

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