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Reignite Your Faith with Evangelist Lafonda


Lafonda recalls how her grandmother’s unwavering faith and love for God inspired her to seek a deeper connection with her Creator. This journey …

Everywhere We Look There Is Negativity and Countless Things That We Could Complain About … We Pray Instead!


Hello Family and , Friends! Here is the prayer for today… As we go about our day, please help us to guard our hearts and minds. Help us to be …

Prayer For Troubled Relationships & So Many More of Life’s Difficult Struggles


Facing life’s difficult struggles & trouble relationships? … We join together today and lift all who are dealing with difficult people and troubling situations

GANGSTER to LIFE OF GRACE on Eternal Affairs TRUTH Radio with Guest Mondo De La Vega, Author of “My Crazy Life”

Mondo de La Vega, Author of "My Crazy Life"

Extraordinary Guest, Mondo de la Vega Shares His Riveting Journey from “My Crazy Life” to a Life of Grace … Learn about his STORY here …

Today’s Devotional: Refine Like Silver & Purify Like Gold


God can see his reflection in you when the impurities have burned out of your life—after you’ve been through the fire … Read more here …

Christmas Prayer & Reflection on The Story of Jesus


Merry Christmas Eve Family and Friends, Here is the prayer for today … let’s contemplate the profound message of Christmas!