Romantic Woes … Is There Still Hope?


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Dating, Relationships & Marriage Have Most Definitely Been Transformed by Satan Over The Years, BUT Can GOD Have The Victory IN YOURS?


by Morris Wambua | Staff Writer | Eternal Affairs Media

Once upon a time, romance was as straightforward as beautifully crafted letters, perfumes, and a brief meeting at the girl’s place characterized by goose bumps, peeping, and lovingly whispering at each other while separated by a thorny fence. How things have changed! Today, even though communication has become much easier, it’s more like navigating a minefield of shattered expectations and abandoned dreams. The pervasive sentiment of heartbreak has become so commonplace that it’s almost a cultural rite of passage. Relationships, once cherished and cultivated, are now frequently discarded like yesterday’s news. The chronic nature of this emotional turmoil has left a trail of broken hearts, each bearing the weight of dashed expectations and unfulfilled dreams. People are growing weary of the same old story: the thrill of romance replaced by the numbness of yet another letdown. As the quest for true love morphs into a dramatic spectacle,modern dating has become a series of tragicomic scenes where unfaithfulness and indecision reign supreme.

Commitment: The New Mythical Creature


Once regarded as the cornerstone of meaningful relationships, commitment has now achieved a mythical status. People approach relationships with the same seriousness as deciding what’s for dinner: if it doesn’t meet their immediate needs, it’s over! The idea of working through difficulties, growing together, and trusting the process is as outdated as simu ya jamii, and the concept of commitment sounds like being over-ambitious.

The Rise of the ‘Exit Strategy’

In today’s dating landscape, exit strategies are as common as first dates. The moment things get challenging, people are more inclined to implement their “Get Out of Relationship Free” card rather than face the heat. Social gatherings once filled with hopeful romantic dreams are now overshadowed by the collective sighs of those who have seen their idealistic views of love shattered. It’s a societal phenomenon where everyone seems to be living in the aftermath of a grand romantic experiment gone wrong. Consequently, relationships are now considered disposable, and emotional investments are measured in short bursts rather than long-term dedication. Relationships have become increasingly ephemeral, and heartbreak has taken center stage as the grand finale of every romantic endeavor. The emotional upheaval of a breakup is now a public performance, with individuals broadcasting their sorrow and disillusionment like award-winning actors. From dramatic monologues about lost love to tearful confessions on TikTok, the art of heartbreak has become a spectacle of emotional extremes.

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The Paradox of Modern Romance
Amidst the whirlwind of insincere affections and great gestures, one must ponder: has the pursuit of true love become a paradoxical blend of tragedy and comedy? While society celebrates the highs and lows of romantic escapades, it also laments the loss of what once was considered simple and sincere. The pursuit of love, it seems, is now a grand theater where everyone plays a part, and the line between comedy and tragedy is ever so thin.

There’s Still Hope!

Even with all the heartbreak and letdowns, there’s always a glimmer of hope that true love might still be out there for you. Think of love as a rare gem hidden under layers of disappointment and short-lived relationships—a valuable find that’s worth the search. Each failed romance is like a lesson, guiding you closer to what you really need in a partner. It might feel like you’re searching for a diamond in a pile of junk, where you keep finding things that aren’t right for you. But don’t let these setbacks make you give up. Keep your heart open and stay hopeful. The right person might not come easily, but every step you take brings you closer to a meaningful connection.

True love isn’t just about finding someone to be with; it’s about discovering someone who adds real value to your life. So, be patient and stay strong—true love is out there, and it’s worth every bit of effort you put into finding it. Pokea nyota ya ndoa mwanangu!


  • morris-muthama-staff-writer-eternal-affairs-media

    Morris Wambua is a freelance writer with a medical background and a dynamic understanding of sociology, politics, and spirituality. Known for his unapologetic Christian perspective, Morris has earned national recognition for his essay writing, including top honors in human rights competitions organized by Amnesty International Kenya. His writing blends his expertise in medicine with a profound insight into societal issues, offering thought-provoking and faith-driven perspectives.

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