Which Animal Is The Right One For Me? … and More …
Why Service Animals Are Important… All About Service Pets and How You Care For Them and They Care For You
by Jessica Brody | Contributing Writer | Eternal Affairs Media

Service Animals Offer Assistance To Those Who Need It Most
Service animals are more than just helpers. They serve as the right hand, eyes, ears, and more for people with disabilities. Today, Eternal Affairs Media takes a moment to look closer at what these specially-trained companions can do. We’ll also touch on what their handlers can do for them.
Caring For Your Service Animal
First, it is important to realize service animals need care as much as pets. Although they care for the people who need them, they still have basic needs, such as food, medical care, and mental and physical stimulation. Before you bring a service animal into your home, make sure that you are prepared for them. Invest in food, leashes, bowls, toys, and other items that are approved and reviewed by veterinarians and other pet-care experts.
A Compassionate Companion
A service animal’s most important job for many people with disabilities is providing comfort in stressful situations. One example that comes to mind is reducing the need for pain medication after a medical procedure.
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Mobility Masters
Your service animal can come in handy when you’re away from home, too. If you’re visually impaired, for example, and live in an urban area with all of your needs within walking distance, your animal can help you decide when it is safe to cross a street. They can even be trained to help you avoid obstacles, such as blocked-off walkways and trash.
Seeking Help When You’re Unable
Another major benefit of a service animal for a person with a disability, specifically seizures, is that they can be trained to seek assistance. According to United Disability Services, seizure alert dogs can even use a K9 alert phone to call 911 if their person has a seizure event.
Which Animal Is The Right One For Me?
Many people mistakenly believe that dogs are the only types of animals that can be used in a medical treatment environment. This isn’t true, and many different types of animals may be trained as emotional support companions. Keep in mind, however, that the Americans with Disabilities Act only protects dogs as a service animal. In other words, while you may choose a longer-lived companion, they are not protected in a way that allows them to move freely with you, such as going into the grocery store or restaurant.
Most people choose dogs as their service animals (cats, horses, and other animals can be emotional support animals). In this case, you must decide which breed you’re comfortable with. cocker spaniels, poodles, boxers, and German shepherds all make excellent service dogs. And as Pettable explains, there are multiple types of protected-class service dogs, including guide, hearing, diabetic alert, allergy detection, mobility assistance, anxiety service, PTSD, autism support, and medical service. What you choose will depend upon your comfort with various animal breeds, your ability to care for them, and what they are most suited to accompany you for.
Ultimately, service animals are an excellent addition to the lives of people with disabilities. Whether you need assistance navigating your walkable neighborhood or detecting the presence of potentially fatal allergens, service dogs are a huge benefit. Plus, they offer you a safety net if you’re unable to call for help when you need it. Before you choose a service dog, make sure you know how to care for it, that you have the right supplies, and that their breed meshes well with your personality, needs, and lifestyle.
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