Hobby Lobby – Bible Museum (OneNewsNow)

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Hobby Lobby begets Bible museum Allie Martin – OneNewsNow – 4/8/2010 5:40:00 AM (republished/syndicated)

A nationally known arts-and-crafts store chain has been purchasing rare Bibles and other manuscripts to fill a proposed National Bible Museum.

Hobby Lobby recently announced it had been collecting a variety of materials, such as Hebrew scrolls, medieval manuscripts, and an assortment of Bibles and rare books, since partnering with a group that came up with the idea for the museum.

Steve Green, president of the Oklahoma-based company, says tentative plans call for a 300,000-square-foot facility to be located in a major metropolitan area that would provide an interactive history of the Bible.

“To be able to tell that story well is going to take a lot of space,” Green explains. “It’s the most loved and the most hated book probably that’s ever been written. [We will be] telling about how it’s been persecuted, how it’s been loved, and so there is a lot of story to tell…” He adds that it “would be not only a major museum, but also a center of study.”

In fact, a valuable addition to the museum has already been purchased, notes Green. “It’s the Codex Climaci Rescriptus, and it is one of the most rare or one of the oldest relatively complete Bibles…and we were able to pick that up,” he reports.

Green adds that a search is on for a suitable location for the proposed museum. Though no final decision has been made, Dallas is currently a frontrunner.

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