The Bucket List – starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson

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By: Jacquelyn Macri


Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson form an unexpected bond and help each other live life to its fullest during the last days of their lives in this comedic drama, the Bucket List.

In this movie, they are hospitalized at the same time and put in the same room. Morgan Freeman is shown as a kind and humble man whose family visits him often with much concern for his condition while Nicholson’s character is on the other side of the room, portrayed as a bitter and grumpy man who cares more about his coffee than having visitors. While together in the hospital, both men learn that their doctors have give them 6 months to live. This news would change anyone’s life. From that point on, both men deal with their conditions and talk about the lives they’ve lived, share stories, fears, and philosophies, laugh and cry together and form a friendship with one another knowing that each understands what the other is going through.

Freeman’s character creates a ‘bucket list’, which is a list of things he wants to do before he kicks the bucket. Nicholson’s character is a wealthy man and sees no reason why they can’t do what’s on the list. Together they build a list of adventures, travels, and desires and instead of spending their last moments in a hospital room, they start their journey. They find themselves skydiving, speed racing, and traveling across the world to luxurious places while sharing the joys of living life to the fullest in the time they still have left.


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