A New Baby Gentoo Penguin at the Tennessee Aquarium – Parents Biscuit and Blue Already Feeding Chick

Chattanooga, Tenn. (July 1, 2010) – All eyes are focused on a tiny, fuzzy, baby penguin at the Tennessee Aquarium today. The new gentoo chick came into the world late yesterday after a day-long hatching process called pipping. “We started to see the beak poking through a small hole in the shell late Tuesday,” said aviculturist Loribeth Aldrich. “Early last evening the chick was completely out and vocalizing.”

Get Ready For Your 4th of July Pow-Wow: Top 10 Music Hits for USA's Independence Day!

“We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We’re going to live on! We’re going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day!” (Independence Day,

"I See You" – AVATAR – Movie Review (2009)

“Avatar” is first and foremost visually stunning. Many images in the movie are completely breathtaking. When the scenes of Pandora at night come on screen you will hear mummers of awe from all the spectators at the cinema.

Letters To God Movie Review – Thanks to "HOSFU"

When I was asked by Possibility Pictures publicist, Fred Williams, if HOSFU would be interested in screening the film Letters to God, I was ecstatic. So recently, while in Tulsa, Oklahoma, I put the movie on the screen of the Hilton boardroom and opened up my laptop to take notes.

What followed was an hour and fifty-three minutes of cinematic goodness, based on a true story.

FLASHBACK: Review of FIREPROOF by Sherwood Pictures: A Movie Faithfully Inspired by God!


Produced by Alex & Steven Kendrick, and David Nixon … “This is a movie faithfully fueled by God” – Former Editor When Magazine