Genuine Gold Coins Being Dropped in Salvation Army Kettles!!!
The Salvation Army has reported that genuine gold coins have been dropped in their kettles over this Christmas season; both in Mishawaka and Kokomo!
The Salvation Army has reported that genuine gold coins have been dropped in their kettles over this Christmas season; both in Mishawaka and Kokomo!
The holiday rush is in full swing, does that mean you have to feel rushed too? Did you join in the “Black Friday frenzy? If so, what did that do to your stress level? This month, I am going to offer five tips to decrease your stress and help you have a more relaxed holiday season.
starting out as a “brick-layer” … people told him he was stupid, its amazing to hear his story. He’s a man of character, a Man of God and owns the largest bullion bank in the world, Anglo Far East … Watch The Video For Great christian Business Perspective & Inspiration …
“Looking into the eyes of a child stuffing his or her face with fruit salad, smiling and giggling as the juice drips down their cheek, you know that this is the least of our brothers.”
Produced by Alex & Steven Kendrick, and David Nixon … “This is a movie faithfully fueled by God” – Former Editor When Magazine