SIMPLE TRUTH: Hope Is Like a Splash of Color Brightening an Ordinary Day


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Whether in darkness or light, You remain our steadfast hope

by SheriAnn | Contributing Writer | Eternal Affairs Media


Hello family and friends. Here is the prayer for the day….

Our Heavenly Father, you seek fruitfulness from us. We pray for the understanding that our true purpose in life and our unity with Christ is to bear abundant fruit. Instill in our hearts the singular desire to be branches so infused with the Spirit of the Vine that we overflow with fruit. “I will place my law in their minds and write it on their hearts.” (Jeremiah 31:33) Your heart assures us that we are no longer under the judgment of the law but live under Your grace. You are the divine author of every word in Holy Scripture, and yet, You have inscribed Your message directly into our hearts through the Holy Spirit’s power. You dwell within us. Every time we reflect on Your Word, demonstrate Your love to others, and act in obedience, we allow You to etch Your signature onto our hearts and lives. To some, we may be the only Bible they see. Let us faithfully share Your words.

God has chosen to reveal to the Gentiles the magnificent wealth of this mystery: Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27) My children, if you had no dark tunnels to traverse or despair to overcome, what need would there be for hope? There is a purpose in everything, including suffering. At times, that purpose is to show that You are our sole hope of glory. You alone understand life’s complex mysteries and choose to lavish those riches upon us, Your children, because we are in Christ. Whether in darkness or light, You remain our steadfast hope.

When hope appears as but a speck on the horizon, You drench my life with your encouraging presence. My hope is in You, Lord: You are our ultimate goal, our comfort, and our joy. You are Christ in us, our hope of glory.

READ THIS  The History of Thanksgiving

In Your Love,


Blessed Saturday

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