Hello Family and , Friends! Here is the prayer for today…
Everywhere We Look There Is Negativity and Countless Things That We Could Complain About … We Pray Instead!
Hello Family and , Friends! Here is the prayer for today…
by Sheri Ann | Contributing Writer | Eternal Affairs Media

Dear Lord,
As we go about our day, please help us to guard our hearts and minds. Help us to be in this world but not of it. Help us to remember that not everything is harmful, but not everything benefits us either. Help us to make wise decisions with the things we watch, the things we read, the things we fill our conversations and our time with. Help us to root out anything from our lives that could be harmful, that could be toxic or that could distract us from things of you.

Everywhere we look there is negativity and countless things that we could complain about or express our opinions about. Help us to learn to pick and choose our battles. Peace is often more important than being right. You tell us a hot-tempered person stirs up conflict, but the one who is patient calms a quarrel. Your Word tells us not to have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments…as your servants, we must not be argumentative, but must be kind to everyone and we are to be reasonable.
Help us to be slow to speak and quick to listen. Help us to pray more and complain less. Help us to remember that we are here to be a light that points the way to you. Help us so we don’t lash out impulsively in anger. Help us as we go about our day to think, “What would Jesus say or do?” This world needs hope…this world needs you…may our words be seasoned with salt and bring hope and encouragement to those in our sphere of influence. May the things that we say and do edify and build up and bring glory to your name.
Help us to love well and to be known for our kindness and for showing wisdom, compassion and mercy in all that we say and do. May we be people of prayer and may our lives and the things that we say and do make a positive impact for your Kingdom. Help us to realize that we are disciples and Christ followers before we are anything else. May pleasing you, be the thing that influences our decisions and defines who we are. Help us to be all that you’ve called us to be and to serve you well this day. In the name of Jesus we ask these things. Amen

Blessings be upon you family and friends!
Much love in Him,
SheriAnn🏼️ Blessed Hump Day