Advice For Mental Illness, 2nd Interview w/Cristobal Krusen, “Let Me Have My Son”, Faith-Based Filmmaker


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Cristobal provides some practical advice and tips for those dealing with a mental illness, or for someone who has a loved one dealing with a mental illness.


EA Truth Radio Host, Andrew “Andy” Shecktor conducted this 2nd / followup interview with Filmmaker, Cristobal Krusen, on November 6, 2023.

Cristobal Krusen created a faith-based film Titled “Let Me Have My Son” which chronicles his TRUE STORY, having a son with a Mental Illness.

In this 2nd / followup interview, Cristobal provides some practical advice and tips for those dealing with a mental illness, or for someone who has a loved one dealing with a mental illness.

This podcast episode’s production is sponsored by:

Adventure Diaries Podcast

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