When God Winks at You; How God Speaks Directly To You Through The Power of Coincidence

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When God 😉 Winks at You; How God speaks directly to you through the power of coincidence
By Squire Rushnell
Review by Stephanie Woods


As Vice President of ABC Family Programs Squire Rushnell was father of the acclaimed Schoolhouse Rock series and ABC After School Specials. Today he is the bestselling author of When God Winks at You; How God speaks directly to you through the power of coincidence and a series of other GodWink books. Rushnell has written a collection of compelling stories to help you see that what some may call a coincidence is often a personal message to you from God.  He calls these events God Winks.  As I poured through the pages of this book, my mind was filled with moments in my own life when God was speaking to me or giving me re-assurance.  Many of those were chalked up to coincidence at the time but I now see that these more than just that. When you get an unexpected call or visit from someone you were just thinking of, that is a GodWink. It is a reminder from the Father that he loves you and is involved in your every day life.

If we take the time to notice, we can see GodWinks all around us; when you look at the sunset and it is your favorite shade of orange, when a song comes on the radio that speaks right to your heart, when a simple prayer is answered immediately or when a smile or a phone call comes just when you need it the most.  Listen to God’s still small voice by recognizing the GodWinks in your life!




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