Get Ready For Your 4th of July Pow-Wow: Top 10 Music Hits for USA's Independence Day!

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10 Music Hits for USA’s Independence Day! Happy Fourth Loyal Victory Magazine Readers!!!

By Curtis Ray Bizelli

Get Ready for your 4th of July Pow-Wow, BECAUSE:

“We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We’re going to live on! We’re going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day!”
(Independence Day,

… So many movies, quotes, lyrics and tunes go through my head when I think of “that day”. “That day” that comes around once a year, but represents one day in history! The day that we declared freedom! Will we get tired of celebrating it? HECK NO! It celebrates our independence and I will stand with Americano pride when the fireworks blast in the air AND the National Anthem Plays,

“Oh Say Can you See, By the Stars Early Light, What so PROUDLY we hailed, … last gleaming, The ROCKETS … glare, the BOMBS bursting in air, gave proof through the night, that our FLAG WAS STILL THERE (yes it was still there, oh yes, thanks to the brave men and woman that fought our battles. America still stands!!!), Oh Say Does …. Stars Bangle, Banner yet wave … Or the LAND of the FREE and the HOME of the BRAVE!”

… Makes me want to join the military! It’s all about Pride, Integrity, and Guts, BABY!

Let’s go over some more songs that ring true to the spirit of Independence Day in the United States of America! (in no particular order; and they’re not all country; just most)

  • Star Spangled Banner by Whitney Houston
  • God Bless America by Kate Smith
  • God Bless the U.S.A. by Lee Greenwood
  • Born in the U.S.A. by Bruce Springsteen
  • Independence Day by Martina McBride
  • American Soldier by Toby Keith
  • Courtesy of the Red White and Blue by Angry American
  • America Will Survive by Hank Williams Jr.
  • Where The Stars and Stripes and The Eagle Fly by Aaron Tippin
  • Dixieland Delight by Alabama

Alright, It was a pleasure re-introducing you to some good time FREEDOM HITS that prayerfully will spark up “your day”, “any day”, because “any day” we are capable of living out our freedom! Don’t take it for granted & Have a Happy 4th of July – Independence Day – United States of America! 🙂

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